Secondary and University Students
Secondary and University Students
Success at School, University and in the workplace depends on confident speaking, skilful listening and the invaluable ability to relate to others with ease.
During the eight week term, students will:
- Develop and master presentation and debating skills, practise debates and lead discussions
- Research, refine and present oral presentations as part of graded assessments for both university and units 3&4 English for VCE
- Learn strategies to build confidence in speaking in impromptu and unexpected situations
- Students are taught in small groups (maximum four) for forty-five minutes on a weekly basis
- Have the opportunity to sit Public Speaking Examinations conducted by Trinity College, London
- Increase self-confidence
- Develop leadership skills
- Raise self-esteem
- Make successful spoken presentations
- Refine debating skills
- Succeed at job interviews
Zach was a 16 year old who struggled with socialising and developing friendships at school. He excelled at maths and science and spent the evenings designing computer games. Because of the time spent in front of his computer, he gradually become more and more socially isolated and his world became Facebook, MSN and chat rooms. After just one term of public speaking , he volunteered to become a student representative and peer-leader at school. Zach had discovered something about himself and had built the courage to become an active and confident adolescent. Zach is now a practising doctor and is studying to fulfil his dream of becoming a paediatrician.
For enquiries, please call Barbara on 613 9889 5654 or email her at [email protected]
Primary School Students
Primary School Students
Parents want their children to be the very best individuals. They want them to be confident, successful and happy. A training in Public Speaking and Communication Skills develops all of these powerful qualities whilst giving a child a head start in life.
During the eight week terms (4 terms a year), children will:
- Participate in a range of speaking activities including storytelling, conversation, impromptu talks, public speaking, creative drama, speech clarity exercises, reading aloud, book reviews, poetry/prose speaking
- Use their imagination and engage in creative thinking
- Have the opportunity to sit Public Speaking and Drama Examinations conducted by Trinity College, London
- Overcome shyness and anxiety
- Gain self confidence
- Express ideas and feelings clearly, concisely and courageously
- Assume positions of leadership within the school community
- Improve concentration and imagination
- Improve and develop reading skills
- Students are trained either on an individual basis or in small groups (maximum six) for forty-five minutes per week.
Rebecca first commenced public speaking lessons at the age of 7. Initially she was shy, withdrawn and found it difficult to participate at school in both the classroom and playground. This resulted in a number of social difficulties including isolation and loneliness. After two terms at speech lessons, which included weekly opportunities to stand up and share within a supportive and encouraging environment, Rebecca’s classroom teacher and parents noticed a significant improvement in her self-confidence and self-esteem.Six years later, Rebecca is now school captain at her junior school.
For enquiries, please call Barbara on 613 9889 5654 or email her at [email protected]
Adult Training
Adult Training
One of the main reasons adults are bored and feel stagnant in the workplace, is that their value is not recognised, skills are unnoticed and expertise undervalued.One sure way of rising through the corporate ranks and recognising your potential is to build strong relationships. The key to strong relationships is the ability to talk, persuade and listen with focus and concentration.
Programs are available for workplace, group and one-on-one coaching.
Individual or Small Group Training
Training in communication skills will enable you to:
- Build self-esteem
- Be noticed in the workplace
- Conduct and deliver powerful meetings and presentations
- Speak confidently in all settings
- Use your voice in an assertive and approachable manner
- Use body language to your advantage
- Utilise the secrets of corporate storytelling
These courses run for 8 weeks with weekly one-hour sessions.
Job Interview Skills
Job Interview Skills
Job interviews are a competition. The one perceived to be the best wins the position. Give yourself the real advantage by doing the following:
- Make a favourable first impression
- Learn how to build rapport and trust with interviewers
- Respond to questions in an interesting and engaging manner
- Develop confident body language
- Express your ideas clearly and persuasively
- Present your best self
Individual training takes place over three sessions for the duration of one hour each.
Joshua was a chemical engineer. He completed an honours degree and his results were outstanding; however, despite these attributes he had been rejected at 17 interviews. He came across as timid, unsure and ineffective. After three sessions of interview training, Joshua had his 18th interview and succeeded. He is still with the company and enjoying his work.
For enquiries, please call Barbara on 613 9889 5654 or email her at [email protected]
Voice Coaching
Voice Coaching
Every time you open your mouth to persuade a client, a colleague or the head of your organisation, your voice discloses more than you think. Your voice has an enormous impact on the immediate impressions that are made about you and the organization you represent. This must be one of the best-kept secrets of all time.
Voice Coaching is really quite simple. A few key techniques will enable you to:
- Develop your voice as a powerful communication tool
- Project your voice without strain or effort
- Avoid vocal fatigue and loss of voice
- Eliminate monotony in vocal expression
- Use your voice so that others sit up and listen
Individual training takes place over eight weeks for the duration of one hour per week.
This includes a comprehensive workbook.
English as an Additional Language (EAL)
English as an Additional Language (EAL)
Do you feel confident when you express your ideas and knowledge that others understand you? Are you unsure about the pronunciation of words you would prefer to use?
Our workplaces, schools and universities are rapidly becoming culturally diverse as globalisation opens up huge opportunities. Whilst there are enormous positives in the sharing of skills, expertise and knowledge, it has brought about a few challenges in the key element, central to all successful interactions- communication.
Speaking English as your second language can be a challenging experience. Articulating your ideas clearly has enormous benefits. Training will assist you:
- Improve pronunciation in spoken English
- Develop clear and accurate diction
- Develop accurate word stress and intonation
- Soften your accent
- Present and succeed at school, university, in the workplace and at job interviews
- Prepare for your IELTS Test (International English Language Testing System)
Participants are trained either on an individual basis or in small groups.
- Gain self-confidence so you have the ability to communicate and interact with others in English
- Improve spoken English and clarity of speech
- Be equipped to handle social and business situations
- Increase career opportunities
- Make presentations that impress
Anna Huang, Commonwealth Bank of Australia
For enquiries, please call Barbara on 613 9889 5654 or email her at [email protected]
Information for Students
Information for Students
In my 20 years experience in assisting children and young adults become effective communicators, the one quality I have identified as critical, is self-confidence. Building self-confidence and raising self-esteem are the major outcomes I strive for in all my teaching and training.
Barbara is on the panel of Drama and Speech Examiners for Trinity College, London. She is also a regular adjudicator for the Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival. Barbara is Past-President of the Speech and Drama Teachers’ Association of Victoria Inc.
We often think of confidence as ‘self-worth’ and ‘self-esteem’. It is, I believe, all of this and much more. It is an extremely powerful quality and can be expressed as an ’emotional state’ that allows each of us to relate to and view others as equals. Barbara conducts full or half-day workshops for organisations to build strong and long-lasting communication skills to maximise teamwork and productivity in the workplace and visit our website to know more about the training programs for students
If you are keen to build confidence in communicating with others:
- Increaseing self-confidence
- Overcoming shyness
- Building self-esteem
- Feeling comfortable in conversations with others
- Demonstrating leadership
- Leading discussions in class
- Making persuasive class presentations
- Improving clarity of speech